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The Night Caller 1x3


Vetítés: 2024.07.09 22:00, kedd

A nurse is treating Tony at the hospital. She happens to be a former pupil of Tony's and he breaks down when she expresses how much his encouragement meant to her when she was at school. DS Marshall arrives to interview Tony at the hospital about the violent attack he's suffered. She pushes him but Tony lies about what really happened. When she begins to probe further, Tony feigns a panic attack. Before leaving the hospital Tony stumbles across Ste's room where he is wired up and in a coma. Tony witnesses first-hand the consequences of his actions.

On NightTalk, Lawrence and his callers discusses the violent attack on Tony. Lawrence sounds genuinely distressed for him. The callers seem to herald Tony as a local hero, but he's wracked by guilt.

At the night café, Rob advises Tony to leave town, revealing Ste Murray is involved with dangerous people.

Tony calls in to NightTalk and is told that the listeners have donated £2,000 to help him out. He rejects the money and says it should go to charity instead. Lawrence is blown away by Tony's humility and says he's ‘proud to call him a friend'. Tony refers to Lawrence as his friend too.

Tony drives the streets aimlessly. He's lost and emotionally spiralling. Almost like a sign from above, Lawrence appears. He hails down Tony's cab and asks him to take him to a restaurant where he's having his 50th birthday.

Tony can't believe he's finally meeting his hero - he's the one person who can help him in his hour of need. But the reality is that Lawrence is the antithesis of his NightTalk persona…

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