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The Night Caller

6.4 IMDb

Tony, in his 50s, drives a black cab, doing the night shift in the city. He used to be a popular and respected teacher but after losing his job, his confidence plummeted, his marriage collapsed, and he's become increasingly isolated. Now his only lifelines are cafe-worker Rosa, whom he forms a growing attachment to, and a radio DJ called Lawrence whom he spends his nights listening to.

One night Tony plucks up the courage and rings NightTalk to speak to Lawrence, and soon becomes a ‘friend of the show'. For the first time in years, he feels listened to. But as time passes, his developing bond with the late-night DJ begins to turn into an unhealthy obsession as he starts interpreting Lawrence's ‘world view' in dangerous ways that have devastating impacts on Tony's life.

One night, by chance, Lawrence gets into Tony's cab. The initial excitement at meeting takes a turn when Tony realises this DJ isn't the man he purports to be. Lawrence is a fake and Tony feels betrayed.

The Night Caller is a claustrophobic tale about the power of influence those with the loudest voice have over the most vulnerable people.

Befejezett / kaszált 2024.07 - 2024.07 | 60 perc @Channel 5 , GB

Alkotó: Nick Saltrese
Galéria Robert Glenister (Tony Conroy), Sean Pertwee (Lawrence Brightway), Suzanne Packer (Rosa), Stephen Walters (Rob)

Dráma, Thriller

Honlap Prime Apple | IMDb | SorozatJunkie | TV Maze | TMDB

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Tony Conroy, a once a highly regarded science teacher, now works the night shift as a black cab driver in the busy streets of Liverpool. He has no family and lives a solitary life, drifting through the monotony of picking up and dropping off passengers of varying degrees of sobriety, night in and night out. The only respite from his lonely insular life are his visits to a night cafe, swimming lengths at the local pool, and tuning into a late-night radio show, NightTalk.

One night while driving, Tony is recognised by a former teaching colleague who notes that Tony was treated unfairly in his dismissal from work. The air is thick with tension as Tony sits in awkward silence. We get the sense something happened at school, something that deeply troubles Tony and may explain why he's become ostracised from the world.

After the uncomfortable conversation with his former colleague, Tony feels a desperate need to talk to someone. With great apprehension, he braces himself and calls NightTalk, the radio talk show.

To his surprise he is put straight on air with the host Lawrence Brightway. Tony confides how he feels like a man who's been consigned to the scrapheap of life. Lawrence tries to understand and empathise. In Tony's mind, he and Lawrence have formed an instant bond. For the first time in ages Tony feels heard and it brings huge relief.

At the night cafe, Tony's night takes a turn when a fellow cabbie Rob (Stephen Walters), an ex-soldier, tells him that Rosa who works at the cafe is quite keen on him. Tony goes to chat to Rosa and, as he does, he hears Lawrence's late night talk show playing in the background. Lawrence name checks 'Tony the ex-teacher' saying he made a lot of sense when he called in earlier. Buoyed by this affirmation, Tony tells Rosa he can help her with her evening classes as he was a former science teacher. Rosa thinks that's a great idea and asks him out.

Tony is invigorated by the prospect of a budding romance with Rosa but is disturbed when he meets her abusive ex, Ste. He witnesses Ste confronting her aggressively outside the night cafe and feels an urge to protect her. This impulse is strengthened by the words of Lawrence who's recently been talking on his show about how communities need to look after one another. At this moment we start to see how Lawrence's words are beginning to have a direct influence on Tony.

Tony's calls to NightTalk become more frequent. In Lawrence, he has finally found someone he can be honest with and confide in. Lawrence is becoming a significant part in Tony's life, and he seems to take Lawrence's words as gospel.

By chance, Ste gets into Tony's cab one night. As Ste talks to someone on his phone, it becomes clear to Tony that Ste has plans to harm Rosa - this is his payback for her dumping him. Tony drops Ste off in town and tries to call Rosa to warn but he can't reach her. He drives to the café and sees she's not working that night either. Tony starts to think the worst and drives around the area where he dropped off Ste, looking for him or Rosa. As he patrols the streets NightTalk plays in the cab and Lawrence is in a particularly vitriolic mood as he hosts a discussion about bravery and standing up to bullies.

Lawrence's anger seems to imbue Tony, and when he finally spots Ste, a last-minute decision ensures Tony's life will never be the same again.

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The awful realisation of what Tony has done starts to dawn on him. He goes into survival mode and tries to cover up the horror of the previous night. He goes to the night café where he meets Rob and asks for help, but does Rob know what Tony has done? Reluctantly, Rob tells Tony that he knows someone who can help him out. We get the sense that Rob knows more than he's letting on.

On Lawrence's radio show, the incident is big news. It becomes clear that Ste Murray is a well-known local criminal in Liverpool with convictions for violence. A heated discussion follows about 'taking the law into your own hands' and several callers claim that Ste got what he deserved. As Tony listens, he gradually feels bolstered by the callers and somehow starts to reconcile the awful thing he's done.

The next day the police arrive at Tony's home to question him as his cab was spotted on CCTV around the area. Tony seemingly wriggles out of it; however, DS Marshall isn't fully convinced.

Rosa and Tony have dinner when Rosa remarks that although Ste was a terrible man, he doesn't deserve what's happened to him. She begins to question Tony about the night he picked up Ste. He gets increasingly uncomfortable as Rosa probes, so much so he has to excuse himself and goes to the bathroom to try and calm down.

Tony attends a book launch by Lawrence who is promoting his new book, Listen. Lawrence always purports to be a man of the people, listening and absorbing the city's needs and worries. But for the first time he would like his listeners to hear him. He reads an extract from his book which reveals that he is battling cancer.

We see that Tony's attachment to Lawrence has grown into something far bigger. As he listens, he feels Lawrence is talking directly to him, and that they are the only two people present. Tony is overcome and knows that his bond with Lawrence is now indelible.

But as Tony drives away he is subjected to a violent ambush.

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A nurse is treating Tony at the hospital. She happens to be a former pupil of Tony's and he breaks down when she expresses how much his encouragement meant to her when she was at school. DS Marshall arrives to interview Tony at the hospital about the violent attack he's suffered. She pushes him but Tony lies about what really happened. When she begins to probe further, Tony feigns a panic attack. Before leaving the hospital Tony stumbles across Ste's room where he is wired up and in a coma. Tony witnesses first-hand the consequences of his actions.

On NightTalk, Lawrence and his callers discusses the violent attack on Tony. Lawrence sounds genuinely distressed for him. The callers seem to herald Tony as a local hero, but he's wracked by guilt.

At the night café, Rob advises Tony to leave town, revealing Ste Murray is involved with dangerous people.

Tony calls in to NightTalk and is told that the listeners have donated £2,000 to help him out. He rejects the money and says it should go to charity instead. Lawrence is blown away by Tony's humility and says he's ‘proud to call him a friend'. Tony refers to Lawrence as his friend too.

Tony drives the streets aimlessly. He's lost and emotionally spiralling. Almost like a sign from above, Lawrence appears. He hails down Tony's cab and asks him to take him to a restaurant where he's having his 50th birthday.

Tony can't believe he's finally meeting his hero - he's the one person who can help him in his hour of need. But the reality is that Lawrence is the antithesis of his NightTalk persona…

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Lawrence is passed out on his sofa after his big night while Tony has taken it upon himself to confront him. Tony wants revenge, payback, but he doesn't have a plan, he's not thought that far ahead.

Tony creeps into Lawrence's house. He discovers a recording studio in the house - this is where Lawrence broadcasts from - this is where he creates his ‘fake persona'.

Tony finally comes face to face with Lawrence and screams for him to get up. Lawrence thinks he's being burgled, until he finally recognises Tony, the cabbie who picked him up earlier that night. Lawrence heads for the kitchen to call the police but there's a scuffle. Tony grabs a kitchen knife and Lawrence is forced to do what he says…

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