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Shots FiredSorsdöntő lövés

6.7 IMDb
Amikor Joshue Beck, afro-amerikai seriff helyettes megöl egy fegyvertelen fehér főiskolai hallgatót, az észak karolinai kisváros élete fenekestül felfordul. Mielőtt még a város felocsúdna a tragédiából, egy afro-amerikai tinédzser figyelmen kívül hagyott meggyilkolására is fény derül. Ezen lövöldözések vizsgálatát két afro-amerikai szakértő, az Igazságügyi Minisztérium gyakorlott nyomozója, Ashe Akino és egy fiatal különleges ügyész, Prestoton Terry vezeti. Ahogy egyre több részlet derül ki a két ügy kapcsán, összeesküvést sejtenek, amely az állam leghatalmasabb embereit is érintheti, beleértve az észak-karolinai kormányzót, aki épp újraválasztásáért küzd. Időközben az ingatlanmogul és magánbörtön tulajdonos Arlen Cox is belecsöppen az ügybe, valamint Calvert Breeland, a seriff iroda tapasztalt veteránja is képbe kerül a nyomozás során. A nem kis médiafigyelmmel járó ügy közéleti vitát és társadalmi békétlenséget szít. A Sorsdöntő lövés izgalmas sorozat, mely minden szemszögből körbe járja a faji megosztottság kérdését.

Befejezett / kaszált 2017.03 - 2019.11 | 60 perc @FOX , US

Alkotók: Reggie Rock Bythewood, Gina Prince-Bythewood
Galéria Conor Leslie (Sarah Ellis), DeWanda Wise (Shameeka Campbell), Aisha Hinds (Pastor Janae James), Richard Dreyfuss (Arlen Cox), Stephen Moyer (Lieutenant Breeland), Will Patton (Sheriff Daniel Platt), Sanaa Lathan (Ashe Akino), Stephan James (Preston Terry), Mack Wilds (Deputy Joshua Beck) És a többiek Clare-Hope Ashitey (Kerry Beck)

Dráma, Bűnügyi

Honlap | IMDb | SorozatJunkie | TV Maze | TMDB

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When an African-American cop shoots and kills an unarmed white college student, a small town in North Carolina is turned upside-down. Before the town has a chance to cope with this tragedy, the neglected murder of an African-American teen is brought to light, opening wounds that threaten to tear the community apart. As Detective Ashe Akino and Special Prosecutor Preston Terry set out to find the truth, they begin to grapple with the media attention, public debate and social unrest that come with such volatile cases.

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When a controversial video of Deputy Beck leaks, Ashe and Preston face a new challenge to find the source and expose whether or not it was a set-up. Amidst Beck's new scandal, the police force and the community begin to look at him differently. Meanwhile, suspicion rises around Pastor Janae after it's revealed that she had a public run-in with Joey Campbell, before his death. Also, Ashe and Preston debate whether or not they're ready to take on the cases of both Jesse Carr and Joey Campbell, and then discover that a witness in Joey's murder may have gone missing.

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Ashe and Preston focus in on reliable evidence in both investigations, sending them first to Jesse Carr's old college campus, then on a dangerous manhunt for the only two credible witnesses in Joey Campbell's case. The political implications of both cases begin to unfold, as Pastor Janae urges Governor Eamons to do more for the poorest communities in Gate Station, leading her to the Campbell household. Meanwhile, Eamons' biggest competition, Penn Moder, seeks out Jesse's mother, Alicia.

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After Cory opens up about what he witnessed the night of Joey Campbell's death, Ashe and Preston must decide if his word will be enough to go up against the entire sheriff's department. To help demonstrate the worthiness of their case, the two go after any substantial evidence they can find that will prove the deaths of Joey Campbell and Jesse Carr are somehow linked. Meanwhile, in an effort to help the poor communities in Gate Station, Governor Eamons introduces her new education initiative, but only at a certain cost to her campaign.

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Cory reveals some key details about the night Joey Campbell was murdered, allowing Preston and Ashe to zero in on the people whom they believe were involved in his death. Their list of suspects grows significantly when they realize a long-standing program in place at the Sheriff's Department may have taken some liberties in the town of Gate Station. Meanwhile, Ashe takes steps to gain control of her personal life.

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The tension heats up in Gate Station as a violent riot erupts between the citizens and the police. Meanwhile, Ashe and Preston confront Governor Eamons regarding their latest suspicions in Joey's murder, Ashe takes matters into her own hands when it comes to Javier and Preston sits down with Beck.

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The district attorney calls to inform Preston that he is sending in a new team to investigate the case, but Preston remains focused and determined to find the underlying truth. The conflicting stories muddle the investigation, leaving a witness hanging dangerously in the balance with her testimony of what actually happened the night Joey Campbell died. Amidst the aftermath of the riots, yet another compromising video of Beck surfaces.

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After a potential murder weapon is found in the Joey Campbell case, the pressure is on for Preston and Ashe to utilize this newest piece of evidence to find out who is behind Joey's death. Meanwhile, tensions continue to escalate between the investigators and the Sheriff's department, leading to a potentially game-changing altercation, and Preston makes a rash decision regarding the Jesse Carr case.

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After a shocking discovery is made about the Auxiliary Deputy program, the investigation zeroes in on the Sheriff's Department, leaving Lieutenant Breeland and Sheriff Platt under intense scrutiny. As potential culprits come forward to negotiate with Ashe and Preston, a former Auxiliary Deputy reveals a secret of his own. Meanwhile, the judge makes a ruling in Ashe's custody case and Governor Eamons makes a difficult decision regarding her new education initiative.

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The hearings for both cases are held and, as Preston presents the facts to the jurors, the truth behind each shooting is revealed. Meanwhile, Pastor Janae and other petitioners gather outside the courtroom in anticipation of the results, hoping for a better future. After the Sheriff's Department loses one of its own, it becomes clear who is really to blame.

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