
Sorozat figyelő naptár a sorozatokhoz

War & PeaceHáború és béke

8.1 IMDb
1805-ben járunk, Oroszországban. Annak ellenére, hogy a cár háborúban áll Franciaországgal, az idealista Pierre Bezuhov, egy gazdag báró örököse nem csinál titkot abból, hogy szimpatizál Napóleonnal, és eme nézeteit Szentpétervárott nem nézik éppen jó szemmel. Közben Pierre jó barátja, Andrej Bolkonszkij ahelyett, hogy házasságra adná a fejét, inkább belép a hadseregbe, hogy a franciák ellen harcoljon. Miután alaposan kirúg a hámból barátjával, Anatolijjal, a szigorú elveket valló Vaszilij Kuragin herceg zabolátlan fiával, Pierre Moszkvába utazik, hogy előbb felkeresse Nyikolaj Iljics Rosztov grófot, akit húga, Natasa szeretne összeboronálni a kuzinjukkal, Szonjával, majd pedig meglátogatja haldokló apját. Mindent Pierre örököl, amivel alaposan magára haragítja a másik reménybeli örököst, Vaszilijt, kinek lánya, Jelena megpróbálja rábírni Pierre-t, hogy vegye el feleségül. Időközben Andrej Kutuzov hadvezér oldalán megütközik a franciákkal Ausztriában, és az ellenség fogságába esik.

Befejezett / kaszált 2016.01 - 2016.02 | 60 perc @BBC One , GB

Galéria Jessie Buckley (Marya Bolkonskaya), Lily James (Natasha Rostova), Paul Dano (Pierre Bezukhov), James Norton (Andrei Bolkonsky), Adrian Edmondson (Count Ilya Rostov), Greta Scacchi (Countess Natalya Rostova), Jack Lowden (Nikolai Rostov), Aisling Loftus (Sonya Rostova), Tuppence Middleton (Helene Kuragin) És a többiek Tom Burke (Fedya Dolokhov), Aneurin Barnard (Boris Drubetskoy), Stephen Rea (Prince Vassily Kuragin), Jim Broadbent (Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky), Rebecca Front (Anna Mikhailovna), Callum Turner (Anatole Kuragin), Gillian Anderson (Anna Pavlovna), Mathieu Kassovitz (Napoleon Bonaparte), Brian Cox (General Mikhail Kutuzov), Ken Stott (Osip Alexeevich Bazdeev), Kenneth Cranham (Uncle Mikhail)

Dráma, Romantikus, Történelmi, Rövid-sorozat, Háborús

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Everyone is rattled in Russian aristocratic society when Napoleon Bonaparte's French army invades Austria, drawing Russia into a conflict. Everyone that is but hot-headed Pierre Bezukhov, who is a fan of the French's politics. Pierre's close friend Prince Andrei is excited for the conflict, as he thinks he may of found his purpose in life, fighting on the front line. Natasha, a beautiful, lively young woman is desperate to experience more of what the world has to offer, finds herself romantically inspired by her brother and his new beau.

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The French are kept at bay by the Russian's after a marginal success at Schongrabern. Andrei and Nikolai soon come to a shocking realisation. The tsar heads to Russia, confident he will be able to leads the troops, but Kutuzov is convinced that Napoleon is setting a trap. Natasha and her family are desperately waiting for news. Prince Vasily decides to marry off his son.

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Pierre's life takes a surprising turn after fighting a duel. Natasha and Sonya both receive unexpected proposals. Nikolai makes a decision that has huge consequences for his family. Helene takes a new lover. Andrei shuts everyone out and feels depressed.

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Andrei's father is against him marrying Natasha. When the suggestion of a long engagement is made, Natasha is shocked and distracts herself at the country estate. She soon finds her love for Andrei tested. Rostova wants her son to marry into wealth and introduces him to a new candidate. Marya isn't impressed by her father's behaviour.

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Napoleon invades Russia and preparations begin for another great battle against him.

As the French army marches east, Marya is terrified to discover that her family is in danger and her father is refusing to listen.

Natasha falls ill and Pierre helps care for her before making a decision that opens his eyes to the horrors of war. Andrei finds he cannot forgive Natasha, and vows to take revenge on his rival. Meanwhile, Helene struggles to manage a compromising situation.

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Felirat keresés...

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As the French army marches into Moscow, chaos descends on the city.

The Rostovs are forced to flee. Natasha is shocked by an unexpected fellow traveller while Sonya is asked to make a huge sacrifice for her family. Traumatised by his experience of battle, Pierre resolves to stay behind and stop Napoleon himself. In the process, he meets a stranger who changes his outlook on life forever.

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