Walking with Dinosaurs (Dinoszauruszok - A Föld urai) 1x4

Vetítés: 1999.10.25 21:00, hétfő
127 million years ago, Early Cretaceous (Brazil, North America, Europe and Cantabria)
Filming location: New Zealand, Tasmania
The story begins with a male Tropeognathus (identified simply as Ornithocheirus) dead on a beach. It then goes back six months to Brazil, where the Tropeognathus, resting among a colony of breeding Tapejara flies off for Cantabria where he too must mate. He flies past amigrating column of iguanodont Dakotadon and a Polacanthus (all herbivorous dinosaurs). He reaches the southern tip of North America, where he is forced to shelter from a storm. To pass the time, he grooms himself, expelling his body of Saurophthirus fleas while his beak's display crest begins to show color changes in readiness for mating. He then sets off across the Atlantic(which was then only 300 kilometers wide) and after a whole day on the wing, reaches the westernmost of the European islands. He does not rest there however, as a pack ofUtahraptors are hunting Iguanodon - one attack fails, but another assault succeeds and a young Utahraptor is bullied off the carcass by the adults after trying its luck. The Tropeognathus flies to the outskirts of a forest to rest, but is driven away by Iberomesornis birds. Flying on, he reaches Cantabria, but due to the delays and his exhaustion he cannot reach the center of the many grounded male Tropeognathus and consequently he does not mate. After days under the sun trying to attract a mate, the protagonist Tropeognathus dies from heat exhaustion and starvation alongside others who also lost out. Nature however is seldom wasteful, their corpses are yielded as food by the next generation.
Animals Tropeognathus (identified as Ornithocheirus) · Utahraptor · Dakotadon (identified as North American Iguanodon) ·Iguanodon · Tapejara · Polacanthus · Iberomesornis (identified as bird) · Plesiopleurodon (unidentified) · Saurophthirus · unidentified crested Pterosaurs · Fish