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The Marlow Murder ClubA marlow-i nyomozóklub

7.2 IMDb
Judith Potts, a 77 éves, nyugdíjas régész egyedül él a csendes Marlow városában, ahol keresztrejtvényekkel foglalja le magát, és ahol senki sem mondja meg neki, hogy mit tegyen, vagy hogyan élje az életét. Egyik vad úszása közben a Temzében Judith lövést hall a szomszéd kertjéből, és azt hiszi, hogy gyilkosság történt, de amikor a rendőrségre megy, nem hisznek neki. Így Judith azon kapja magát, hogy valószínűtlen barátságot köt a helyi kutyasétáltató Suzie-val és a plébános feleségével, Becks-szel, hogy saját maguk nyomozzanak a gyilkosság után.

Futó sorozat 2024.03 - 2024.03 | 120 perc @Drama , GB

Alkotó: Robert Thorogood
Galéria Samantha Bond (Judith Potts), Jo Martin (Suzie Harris), Cara Horgan (Becks Starling), Natalie Dew (DS Tanika Malik), Rita Tushingham (Mrs Eddingham)

Drama, Crime, Mystery

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When a wealthy baronet dies alone in his study the day before his wedding, Judith, Becks and Suzie find themselves at the centre of another puzzling and complicated mystery.

Judith receives an unexpected invitation from Sir Peter Bailey to a garden party the day before his wedding. With Becks and Suzie in tow, the trio arrive at his luxurious mansion, only for celebrations to be quickly disrupted by a dramatic crash from inside.

Sir Peter is found alone, locked in his study and crushed beneath an antique cabinet - the only key to the room in his pocket. A seemingly tragic accident, which thanks to Judith's keen intuition, soon reveals itself to be a carefully constructed murder. But how was it done? From Sir Peter's much younger nurse turned fiancé, his wayward combative son to his ex-wife on the brink of losing her title, there's no shortage of suspects. And with rumours of a recently updated will, everyone has a motive…

Solving an impossible murder is no easy feat, and for our trio, there's also the small matter of juggling their lives with the investigation. As Judith suspects a mystery hidden within a rival crossword, Suzie prepares Zeta for university and Becks' juggles commitments to her family, they soon realise it'll take all three of their specific skillsets if they have any hope of catching the meticulous killer.


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As the suspects' alibis stack up, Judith, Becks and Suzie are pushed to their limits. Will they be able to solve the puzzling murder of Sir Peter before anyone else gets hurt?

With the police treating Sir Peter's death as an accident and Tanika going rogue against her superior's wishes to support Judith's determination that it was murder, the pressure to unravel the mystery surrounding Sir Peter's death intensifies. And complicating the investigation, Judith, Becks and Suzie come to realise that all of their key suspects appear to have watertight alibis – but what if something isn't quite as it seems?

As well as investigating the possibility that Sir Peter's killer may have been working with an accomplice, the women get to the root of the mysterious footprints outside Sir Peter's study and the elusive missing new will is found – revealing more than any of them could have anticipated.

And alongside their murder investigation, Judith's intrigue about a set of potentially coded crossword puzzles sends her on a journey that not only opens her up to teasing from her friends, but could very well give her the inspiration and tools to unravel the whole mystery. But the sleuths will have to act fast, because as relationships within the Bailey family worsen, it's clear Sir Peter might not be the only target…


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When a man with no ID and no connection to Marlow is found dead in the middle of a suburban road, Judith, Becks and Suzie delve into the secrets and tensions lingering between the residents.

Morning sunshine beats down on Linnet Close, where lawns are pristine, fences are freshly painted… and most of the street has been marked-up for demolition and development. And in the middle of the street, a body. Dead, bleeding from a stab wound.

The mystery grows when it's discovered the victim had no connection to the close, the remaining residents or even Marlow. The elusive answers draw the attention of Judith, Becks and Suzie, who begin running their own investigation, stepping around the red tape that restrains the official line of inquiry. The women soon realise that once you begin to peel back the layers of perfection and dig beneath the petty day-to-day squabbles of neighbours, there's a dark web of festering secrets and tension lingering between the inhabitants.

From rumours of stalling property developments in the area, to claims of malicious tricks and underhand behaviour, for Judith and Suzie it's a shocking reminder that while you may think you know someone, how much do you really understand about their life? A question which becomes all the more pressing when they realise Becks has begun acting oddly, uncharacteristically avoiding their questions and sneaking off without explanation.


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A surprising link to a past missing persons case shines a new light on the residents of Linnet Close for Judith, Becks and Suzie – but could they be responsible for murder on their doorstep?

Following the discovery of a skeleton on Linnet Close, tensions among the residents grow as the police focus intensifies. Is the new body a coincidence or could the person responsible for Louis Oldham's death have struck before?

As the police bring one of the key suspect couples in for questioning after it becomes clear the body could have originally been buried on their land, Judith digs further into her Great-Aunt's mystery secret relationship and she and Suzie ponder the truth behind Becks' connection to handsome art teacher Daniel.

When details emerge about the skeleton's identity, Judith, Suzie and Becks realise that their investigation may have been looking in the wrong direction – and instead of trying to find a connection between Louis and Linnet Close, the truth might really lie in the connection between Louis and the new discovery, a man who was the same age as Louis but killed fifteen years previously…

But unbeknownst to the women, the mystery figure who has been lurking around the Linnet Road crime scenes will soon make his presence known - and he has a more personal connection to the case than they could have anticipated.


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After a revered member of the sailing club is brutally bludgeoned to death, Judith, Becks and Suzie must navigate simmering grudges within the tight-knit community on the hunt for justice.

It's a dark day for the prestigious Marlow Sailing Club when one of their members is killed, bludgeoned by a swinging boom while rigging their boat for launch. The ebullient Commodore, an extravagant figure at the heart of the club, leads the outpouring of condolences among the tight-knit community as news of the shocking death ripples through their ranks.

When Tanika reaches out to a small archaeological dig across the river, she's surprised to come face-to-face with Judith Potts, who has begun volunteering at the site. After they find evidence that another person was riverside with the victim just before his death, it's revealed that the tragic accident is in fact, the perfect murder… Judith, Becks and Suzie quickly dive into their own investigation, getting drawn into messy accusations involving the elite club, a shamed local shipwright and an ongoing string of thefts across the local sailing community.

Confident in their growing success record, the amateur sleuths learn that the apparently revered victim trod on several sets of toes in his ascent to the top of the sailing club social ladder, and it soon becomes evident that he's not the only one who has made enemies…


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As the motives stack up against suspects Gregg and Harry, Kit's killer sends another violent warning and Judith, Becks and Suzie find themselves in a race against time to solve the case.

After a near miss almost results in another death, the police heighten their investigation. With Gregg still missing and the motives stacking up against Harry, the two men become the focal point of the scrutiny. And when Suzie successfully locates Gregg, the police are able to take the inebriated man into custody – but did his bitterness towards Kit really push him to murder?

Meanwhile, when it's revealed Harry had more motive to kill Kit than initially anticipated, Jackie has to face the truth that her father could well be a killer.

Believing there to be a connection between the murder and the ongoing thefts, Judith employs the help of volunteers from the archaeological dig as well as Becks and Suzie to enact a plan to catch the thieves red-handed. While the plan works, tragic news cuts through their success and it becomes clear that Kit's killer is going to stop at nothing to keep their identity concealed.

Growing ever more determined to solve the mystery, Suzie inadvertently reveals too much about the case and puts herself in danger – will they be able to catch the killer and save Suzie before it's too late?

