O Rei do Gado Színész- és szereplőlista
Bruno Berdinazzi Mezenga / Antonio Mezenga szerepében:
Antônio Fagundes
1949-04-18 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Antônio da Silva Fagundes Filho (Rio de Janeiro, April 18, 1949), better known as Antônio Fagundes, is a Brazilian actor, director, producer, screenwriter and voice actor. Considered one of the most recognized and prolific actors in Brazil, Fagundes gained notoriety for his performances on screen and stage. Fagundes has received numerous awards throughout his career spanning more than five decades, including four APCA Awards, two Molière Awards, two Quality Brazil Awards, and two Press Trophies, in addition to receiving nominations for two Grande Otelo Awards and four Guarani Awards.
Luana / Marieta Berdinazzi szerepében:
Patricia Pillar
1964-01-11 Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil
Patrícia Gadelha Pillar (born January 11, 1964) is a Brazilian television, stage and film actress. At 16, she became a photographic model. She studied journalism but gave it up to pursue her dream of becoming an actress. She joined the theatre group Asdrúbal Trouxe o Trombone alongside Regina Casé, before getting her first film role in Para Viver um Grande Amor, alongside singer Djavan. That role granted her a part in the famous 1985 Rede Globo telenovela Roque Santeiro, created by Dias Gomes. Ever since, she has starred in twelve other Globo telenovelas. She has also starred in eleven feature films, including the 1995 Academy Award-nominated O Quatrilho, alongside Glória Pires. In 2005, Pillar debuted as director. Her first film was a documentary about the Brazilian singer Waldick Soriano and it was titled Waldick - Sempre No Meu Coração (which means, in Portuguese, Waldick - Always In My Heart). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Geremias Berdinazzi szerepében:
Raul Cortez
✝ 1932-08-28 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil - 2006-07-18
Raul Christiano Machado Cortez (São Paulo, August 28, 1932 – São Paulo, July 18, 2006) was a Brazilian actor, producer and director. Throughout his career he won the country's main awards, including two Press Trophies, three APCA Awards, five Molière Awards, a Brazil Quality Award and a Candango Trophy from the Brasília Festival, in addition to having received two Grande Otelo nominations and two to the Guarani Prize.
Rafaela szerepében:
Glória Pires
1963-08-23 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Glória Maria Cláudia Pires de Morais, better known as Glória Pires (Rio de Janeiro, August 23, 1963) is a Brazilian actress and businesswoman. Known for playing Maria de Fátima in the hugely successful Vale Tudo (1988) and the twins Ruth and Raquel in the phenomenon Mulheres de Areia (1993). With a respected career in the cinema and television drama industry, she is one of the highest paid actresses in Brazil and very famous throughout Latin America. She won several awards as an actress, most notably two Grande Otelo Awards, a Press Trophy, seven APCA Awards, two Guarani Awards, two Quality Brazil Awards, as well as a Kikito from the Gramado Festival.
Léia szerepében:
Sílvia Pfeifer
1958-02-24 Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Sílvia Escobar Pfeifer (Porto Alegre, February 24, 1958) is a Brazilian actress, who began her artistic career as a model.
Marcos Mezenga szerepében:
Fábio Assunção
1971-08-10 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Fabio Assunção Pinto (São Paulo, August 10, 1971) is a Brazilian actor and theater director, widely known for his work on TV Globo soap operas. He won several awards for his performance on television.
Lia Mezenga szerepében:
Lavínia Vlasak
1976-06-14 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lavínia Gutmann Vlasak (born June 14, 1976) is a Brazilian actress and a former model. Vlasak was born in Rio de Janeiro, daughter of Chief Financial Officer Robert Vlasak and homemaker Eugênia Gutmann. The surname Vlasak is of Czech origin. It came from her paternal grandfather who, however, was born in Austria. In addition, Lavínia has German ancestry from both father and mother. In 1980, she moved to the United States when her father, who worked for a multinational corporation, was transferred there. She lived outside of Brazil from 4 to 7 years of age and therefore was literate in English. After only seven years, on her return to Brazil, she learned Portuguese. When Vlasak returned, she studied at the British School in Rio de Janeiro. The school's curriculum could focus on art education, where he became interested in acting profession. Early on, listened to their teachers that would be an excellent performer. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aparício ("Pirilampo") szerepében:
Almir Sater
1956-11-14 Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Zé do Araguaia szerepében:
Stênio Garcia
1932-04-28 Mimoso do Sul, Espírito Santo, Brazil
Stênio Garcia Faro (Mimoso do Sul, April 28, 1932) is a Brazilian actor. Known for his performances on screen and stage, he is the winner of numerous awards throughout his career spanning more than six decades, including three APCA Awards, a Guarani Award, a Molière Award, a Brazil Quality Award, and a Press Trophy, in addition to receiving a nomination for a Grande Otelo.
Donana szerepében:
Bete Mendes
1949-05-11 Santos, São Paulo, Brazil
Bete Mendes, stage name of Elizabeth Mendes de Oliveira (Santos, May 11, 1949), is a Brazilian actress and politician. She began her artistic career on TV Tupi, until moving to Rede Globo, where she played several prominent roles such as O Rebu (1974), O Casarão (1976) and Sinhazinha Flô (1977).
Liliana szerepében:
Mariana Lima
1972-09-17 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Mariana Gomes Ferreira Lima (São Paulo, August 25, 1972) is a Brazilian actress and producer. A versatile and proficient artist, throughout her three-decade career she has won several awards, including a Cenym Award and a Shell Award, as well as receiving nominations for a Grande Otelo, a Guarani Award and three Quality Brazil Awards.
Senador Caxias szerepében:
Carlos Vereza
1939-03-04 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Carlos Alberto Vereza de Almeida OMC (Rio de Janeiro, March 4, 1939) is a Brazilian actor and writer, known for Memórias do Cárcere (1984), Direito de Amar (1987) and O Trampo (2019).
Maria Rosa Caxias szerepében:
Ana Rosa
1942-06-18 Promissão, São Paulo, Brazil
Ralf szerepében:
Oscar Magrini
1961-09-02 Santos, São Paulo, Brazil
Regino szerepében:
Jackson Antunes
1960-08-28 Janaúba, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Joaquim Antunes (Janaúba, August 28, 1960), better known as Jackson Antunes, is a Brazilian actor, singer and composer.
Zé Bento ("Saracura") szerepében:
Sérgio Reis
1940-06-20 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Jacira szerepében:
Ana Beatriz Nogueira
1967-10-22 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ana Beatriz Soares Nogueira (Rio de Janeiro, October 22, 1967) is a Brazilian actress and producer. A prolific artist, she was awarded several awards throughout her four-decade career, including two Brazil Quality Awards, a Molière Award and the celebrated Silver Bear at the Berlin Festival, in addition to receiving nominations for two Guarani Awards and an APTR Award.
Otavinho szerepében:
Guilherme Fontes
1967-01-08 Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Judite szerepében:
Walderez de Barros
1940-10-31 Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
Suzane Maia szerepében:
Leila Lopes
✝ 1959-11-19 São Leopoldo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - 2009-12-03
Marta szerepében:
Neusa Borges
1941-03-08 Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Neusa Borges (Born August 3, 1941) is a legendary Brazilian actress, whose career in film and television spans for over 40 years.
Chiquita szerepében:
Arieta Corrêa
1977-03-18 Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil
Giuseppe Berdinazzi szerepében:
Emílio Orciollo Netto
1974-01-15 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Emílio Orciollo Netto (born January 15, 1974) is a Brazilian actor. He was presenter of the Globo Ciência program. Collaborates for the Human Rights Movement. In 2005, he played a character of great popular repercussion, Crispim in the novel Soul Mate of Walcyr Carrasco. In 2016 was protagonist of the film Behind the Sky. In 2017, in the film Real - The Plan behind History played the economist Gustavo Franco. (Wikipedia translate)
Lurdinha szerepében:
Iara Jamra
1955-10-31 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Júlia szerepében:
Maria Helena Pader
1947-03-14 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Madre Gema szerepében:
Chica Xavier
✝ 1932-01-21 Salvador, Bahia, Brazil - 2020-08-08
Formiga szerepében:
Cosme dos Santos
1955-09-20 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Cosme dos Santos (Rio de Janeiro, September 20, 1955) is a Brazilian actor.
Dimas szerepében:
Paulo Coronato
1959-09-08 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Professora Bia szerepében:
Mara Carvalho
1966-07-13 Ourinhos, São Paulo, Brazil
Fausto szerepében:
Jairo Mattos
1962-09-01 Alvorada, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Jairo Mattos (Alvorada, 1 of September of 1962) is an actor and Brazilian director. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joana szerepében:
Ilva Niño
✝ 1934-11-15 Floresta, Pernambuco, Brazil - 2024-06-12
Dominguinhos szerepében:
Antônio Pompêo
✝ 1953-02-23 São José do Rio Pardo, São Paulo, Brazil - 2016-01-05
Antônio Pompêo (São José do Rio Preto,February 23, 1953 — Rio de Janeiro, January 5, 2016) was a Brazilian actor and visual artist.
Maria da Luz szerepében:
Cyria Coentro
1966-04-14 Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Bruno Berdinazzi (jovem) szerepében:
Marcello Antony
1965-01-28 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Quitéria szerepében:
Liana Duval
✝ 1927-06-06 Paraguaçu Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil - 2011-03-23
Josimar szerepében:
José Augusto Branco
1942-01-07 Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Tony Vendacchio (1ª fase) szerepében:
Cláudio Corrêa e Castro
✝ 1928-02-27 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - 2005-08-16
Cláudio Luís Murgel Corrêa e Castro (Rio de Janeiro, February 27, 1928 — Niterói, August 16, 2005) was a Brazilian actor, one of the record holders for appearances in soap operas in Brazil, appearing in more than forty of them.
Geremias Berdinazzi (jovem) szerepében:
Caco Ciocler
1971-09-27 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Enrico Mezenga szerepében:
Leonardo Brício
1963-07-07 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Leonardo Silva Brício (Rio de Janeiro, July 7, 1963) is a Brazilian actor and theater director. He started in television at the extinct Rede Manchete, having passed through Rede Globo, SBT and Rede Record, where he remained until 2012.
Giovanna Berdinazzi szerepében:
Leticia Spiller
1973-06-19 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Marieta Berdinazzi szerepében:
Eva Wilma
✝ 1933-12-14 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil - 2021-05-15
Eva Wilma Buckup Zarattini OMC (São Paulo, December 14, 1933 – São Paulo, May 15, 2021) was a Brazilian actress and dancer. She began her career in 1952, starring in several soap operas on Rede Tupi and Record TV between the 1950s and 1970s, in addition to a brief stint on TV Excelsior. In 1980, she transferred to Rede Globo, consolidating herself as one of the network's main artists.
Helena "Nena" Mezenga szerepében:
Vera Fischer
1951-11-27 Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Vera Fischer (Blumenau, November 27, 1951) is a Brazilian actress and former model. Of German descent, Fischer began her professional life as a model, winning the Miss Brazil 1969 contest. Her first artistic work was in cinema in 1972, when she played Angela in Sinal Vermelho - As Fêmeas
Giuseppe Berdinazzi szerepében:
Tarcísio Meira
✝ 1935-10-05 São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil - 2021-08-12
Tarcísio Pereira de Magalhães Sobrinho, better known as Tarcísio Meira (São Paulo, October 5, 1935 — São Paulo, August 12, 2021), was an award-winning Brazilian actor. Considered one of the greatest actors and heartthrobs of his generation, he marked an era with strong characters, in cinema, theater and television. For decades he immortalized television with good guys and villains who marked national television drama.
Jaú szerepében:
Zéluiz Pinho
✝ 1925-12-22 Pentecoste, Ceará, Brasil - 2004-01-20
médico szerepében:
Luis De Lima
✝ 1925-07-27 Lisbon, Portugal - 2002-08-27