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Ordeal by InnocenceAgatha Christie – Az alibi

7.2 IMDb
1954 karácsonyán meggyilkolják a köztiszteletnek örvendő Rachel Argyll-t. A gyilkossággal egyik fogadott fiát, Jack-et gyanúsítják, akit rövid időn belül el is ítélnek. Jack a börtönben öngyilkos lesz, így az ügyet lezártnak tekintik, azonban másfél évvel a szörnyű eset után felbukkan egy Arthur nevű férfi, aki biztosan tudja, hogy nem a fogadott fiú volt a nő gyilkosa. A gyanú ezután a család többi tagjára terelődik...

Befejezett / kaszált 2018.04 - 2018.04 | 60 perc @BBC One , GB

Galéria Bill Nighy (Leo Argyll), Matthew Goode (Philip Durrant), Eleanor Tomlinson (Mary Argyll), Anthony Boyle (Jack Argyll), Luke Treadaway (Dr. Arthur Calgary), Morven Christie (Kirsten Lindstrom), Crystal Clarke (Tina Argyll), Ella Purnell (Hester Argyll), Alice Eve (Gwenda Vaughan) És a többiek Anna Chancellor (Rachel Argyll), Christian Cooke (Mickey Argyll)

Dráma, Bűnügyi, Titokzatos, Rövid-sorozat, Thriller

Honlap | IMDb | SorozatJunkie | TV Maze | TMDB

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Heiress Rachel Argyll is murdered at her family estate. Eighteen months later, as her widower prepares to marry again, the identity of the murderer is thrown in doubt.

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Arthur Calgary is determined to return to Sunny Point and prove that Jack Argyll's alibi is true. However, none of the Argyll family is willing to believe him and his claim has stirred up painful tensions inside the family. With no option but to tell the complete truth, Arthur makes a confession and is able to present irrefutable evidence that he is telling the truth about Jack's alibi. However, Arthur's revelation has further devastating consequences, for if Jack did not murder Rachel, then it must have been someone else who was in the house that night.

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Felirat keresés...

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The Argyll children finally face up to the disastrous events that led to Rachel's murder. Everyone in the family had a reason to want Rachel dead, everyone has something to hide about that terrible Christmas Eve. Only by facing these secrets can the real identity of Rachel's killer emerge. But Arthur's assertion that he is telling the truth puts him in serious danger and there is a race against time to save him.

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