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Mr Bigstuff

In Mr Bigstuff, Glen and his fiancée Kirsty share a perfect, perfectly mundane life together. Sure, Glen's got crippling erectile dysfunction and Kirsty has a secret shoplifting habit, but they're happy. That is until Lee comes crashing into their lives, whilst on the run from a past that's quickly catching up with him. The trio are forced together: a perfectionist, a fantasist and an anarchist all living under the same roof in an Essex cul-de-sac. It's not long before their ‘perfect' lives start to unravel faster than the weave of a cheap carpet.

Forgatás alatt ? - ? | @Sky Comedy , GB

Galéria Danny Dyer (Lee), Ryan Sampson (Glen), Harriet Webb (Kirsty)


Honlap | IMDb | SorozatJunkie | TV Maze | TMDB | Spotify

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