Kuzey Güney (Kuzey Güney - Tűz és víz) 2x25

Vetítés: 2013.03.13 19:00, szerda
The photographs of Kuzey and Cemre in the newspaper bring Ebru Sinaner and Barış to Cemre's home. With guarantees provided by Ebru Sinaner that this will be her last task, Cemre agrees to make a last appearance beside Barış in front of the media.
Güney feels all his life is a lie. He reveals to his mother how he envies Kuzey and all that he has. Banu overhears that her marriage to Güney is a big lie. Realizing that no matter what happens, Kuzey cannot break away from Cemre, Sami finally breaks his silence and tells Kuzey to go after his heart and disregard any gossip that it might create.
Şeref finally finds a way to express himself to Kuzey and resolve the problems haunting his friendship with Kuzey and love for Demet.
On the day that the Sinaner group of companies is listed on the stock market, a big show takes place in front of the cameras, starring Cemre and Barış. The press release draws attention to Cemre and Kuzey once again. Thinking that she has fulfilled her last duty, which is the condition of an agreement, Cemre and Kuzey are caught unaware one more time by the journalists.
Simay's mind is still on Barış. Seeing him on TV with Cemre makes Simay feel foolish for having thought Barış had any serious intentions about their relationship. Barış who is looking for a way to get Cemre back, finds the latest photograph of Cemre and Kuzey an excuse to call Cemre and threaten her with breaking the deal. Cemre is mad and decides to go to him and take him to task. She will regret this impulsive decision as it unravels the most difficult days for Kuzey and Cemre.