Kuzey Güney (Kuzey Güney - Tűz és víz) 2x11

Vetítés: 2012.11.28 19:00, szerda
Kuzey confesses his love and for the first time articulates his feelings for Cemre and himself, but he also explains that Cemre's past relationship with Güney makes it impossible for them to be together and he is afraid that it would lead him to break her heart or crush him under its weight. Having no choice but to accept Kuzey's reasons, Cemre quietly submits to her captivity in the Sinaner Mansion. Güney, who takes a sigh of relief with Kuzey's departure, becomes even more irritable with his return.
Cemre (obligated) and the rest of the family celebrate news of Banu's pregnancy. Kuzey watches the mansion from the street with longing. Burak arrives to join the gathering and before entering the house informs Kuzey that he is to become an uncle soon. After the party, Burak quietly returns to the mansion to execute a plan in the dark.
Burak consistently draws Can's suspicions which he regularly shares with Barış. Cemre is relieved that Barış is keeping his end of deal and not demanding any intimacy from her in their relationship as long as appearances are kept. Güney finds the envelope addressed to him with a glove inside.
Kuzey ends up drowning his pain in the bottle at a club and wakes up on a strange woman's couch not remembering the exact details of how he got there. He leaves apologizing to the woman but she thanks him for having prevented her ex-boyfriend from bothering her. Kuzey returns to her car dealership later to thank her for letting him sleep at her place the night. She ends up offering him a job. While he considers it with his father, Güney once more puts him down.
Knowing that Kuzey has nothing left to lose, Sami is aware that his son is now more reckless. He goes to Gülten and warns her to refrain from trying to influence Kuzey regarding his relationship with Cemre. He wants the two brothers to reconcile and feels Cemre is an obstacle. Gülten visits Cemre and is concerned for her well being. She shares her concern in passing with Kuzey. Kuzey confronts Barış but Barış manages to avert Kuzey's suspicions by forcing Cemre to confess to remaining married to him of her own will.
Zeynep, who wants to win Kuzey back, pursues dangerous plans. She connects with Simay and tries to create a scandal without revealing her signature on it. Simay, taking her cue from Zeynep and thinking Kuzey is out of the country, blackmails Güney. Güney informs Kuzey and Kuzey lashes out at Simay. Güney softens the blow by paying Simay behind Kuzey's back. He then accuses Kuzey of remaining in Istanbul because he cannot get over Cemre. Simay hears the quarrel and once again makes plans to stir things up. She lets Zeynep know that Cemre took action to escape with Kuzey. Zeynep immediately shares the information with Banu. Banu is confused about Cemre's relationship with his brother.
Burak arrives to the meeting at the Holding together with Kuzey as his advisor making a stir. He puts his hand on the table with the other glove on.