Élite Historias Breves: Phillipe Caye FelipeElit - Rövid történetek: Phillipe, Caye és Felipe
Angol címe: Elite Short Stories: Phillipe Caye Felipe
6.3 IMDbJust as Cayetana is trying to get over her ex--boyfriend with the help of her new friend Felipe, the prince reappears in her life.
Befejezett / kaszált 2021.12 - 1970.01 | 13 perc @Netflix
Galéria Georgina Amorós (Cayetana), Pol Granch (Phillipe), Àlex Monner (Felipe)

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While donating clothes with Rebe, Cayetana meets a new friend and volunteers her sewing services for Christmas.

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Phillipe's generous donation catches Cayetana off guard and she asks Felipe to do her a favor in exchange for dinner.

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Cayetana faces off with her ex, who shares his feelings and asks her to consider whether forgiveness is an option.