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Dune: ProphecyDűne: Prófécia

Set in the universe of Frank Herbert's epic Dune novel series, Dune: Prophecy is told through the eyes of a mysterious order of women known as the Bene Gesserit. Given extraordinary abilities by their mastery of the body and the mind, the Bene Gesserit expertly weave through the feudal politics and intrigue of The Imperium, pursuing plans of their own that will ultimately lead them to the enigmatic planet Arrakis, known to its inhabitants as Dune.

Forgatás alatt ? - ? | @HBO , US

Alkotók: Diane Ademu-John, Alison Schapker
Galéria Emily Watson (Valya Harkonnen), Olivia Williams (Tula Harkonnen), Jodhi May (Empress Natalya), Travis Fimmel (Desmond Hart), Tabu (Sister Francesca)

Dráma, Sci-fi, tudományos fikció, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Kaland, Akció

IMDb | SorozatJunkie | TV Maze | TMDB | Spotify

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