Deadly PredatorsHalálos ragadozók
Még nincs eldöntve a sorsa 2022.04 - 2022.04 | 28 perc @CBBC , GB
Galéria Steve Backshall (Presenter)

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In this episode, Steve uncovers the secrets of sharks, the world's most infamous predators. He heads out into the Atlantic ocean to dive with blue sharks, a beautiful but deadly species which can travel up to 10,000km per year looking for food. He finds out how their big pectoral fins allow them to glide gracefully through the water, and how they are now threatened by overfishing for their fins. Next up, we head into the Deadly Den on a mission to find the ultimate shark's jaw. Steve has had two shark jaws made into amazing mechanical models. First is the cookie cutter, a shark that takes perfectly circular chunks of flesh out of their prey. Steve demonstrates the cookie cutter's bite using his mechanical jaw on some fruit. Next up is the bluntnose sixgill, which uses its jaws like a hacksaw. We then head outside to see the biggest shark jaws ever to have existed - the megalodon. Using the latest CGI, we see what this true monster of the deep looked like in real life. Then it's time go in search of a very special shark - the salmon shark. These predators can hunt in waters of minus two degrees, keeping themselves warm using some amazing adaptations. To investigate, Steve heads to the Extreme Environment Lab at Portsmouth Uni, where he becomes two fish - prey Steve and salmon shark Steve. They race each other in a swimming treadmill filled with cold water, but who will win, predator or prey? Finally, Steve dives into a flooded quarry to become a great hammerhead shark. These amazing animals use super-sensing electro reception to detect prey hidden on the bottom of the ocean. Steve tries his hand at this by using an underwater metal detector to find deadly treasure hidden at the bottom of the quarry.

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In this episode, Steve goes in search of the fastest Deadly Predators on earth. Using the latest CGI, Steve high-dives off a rugged cliff in Wales next to a gannet, tests the speed and accuracy of a gannet dive in a sky-high experiment in his deadly junkyard using a crane and an old caravan, and takes to the kayak for an amazing animal encounter with thousands of wild gannets. Then it's on to the rare blue fin tuna, the UK's fastest fish and one that is making a comeback in the UK after being close to extinction. Steve heads out to the open ocean in search of these deadly predators, and along the way he meets some other fast-swimming contenders, including whales and dolphins. He also finds a bait ball of small fish that has attracted predators from all around, and volunteers to be dragged behind the boat to test the tuna's famous speed. One of the planets ultimate speedy predators is the cheetah. Steve puts the cheetah's acceleration to the test against an electric sports car, and we explore how a cheetah is supremely designed for speed and how they make phenomenal predators. We then meet the fastest animal ever to live - the peregrine falcon. They are the ultimate speedy predator, and their turbo-charged stoop leaves their prey with little chance of escape. Steve wants to put these aerial assassins to the test, and heads to the rugged Snowdonian mountains for a high-adrenaline mountain biking speed challenge where trained peregrine Rudi hunts him down.

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In this episode, Steve goes in search of some of the most powerful predators on the planet. At historic Warwick Castle, we meet the stellar sea eagle, world's heaviest eagle. Our eagle Nikita is an expert at lifting fish up to one third of her body weight out of the ocean to eat. To demonstrate this amazing ability up close, Steve has one of the coolest pieces of tech in Deadly history - a time slice rig. Using this, Steve is able to analyse Nikita's predatory power from every angle. Next, Steve goes head to head with one of the strongest land predators - the bear. Bears aren't just strong, they are incredibly agile too. During the summer they have to catch and eat up to 30 whole salmon before hibernation. Steve puts this to the test by wearing a bear suit and being drenched in water - can he catch as many salmon as a hungry bear? On a mission to find the world's most powerful punch, Steve tries his hand at boxing with a fairground punching machine. He is no match for our professional boxer Isaac though, who gives Steve a few punching tips. However, when it comes to powerful punches, nothing can beat the peacock mantis shrimp. Despite being only six inches long, its punch has the same power as a bullet. We see in incredible CGI what a human-sized mantis shrimp could do to our boxing machine. Steve then reveals its secret superpower - it doesn't just hit with its punch, it also creates a shockwave of energy in the water. Steve supersizes this and blows up a fish tank full of water with some plastic explosives. Finally, Steve comes face to face with his favourite animal in the world - the wolf. At a special zoo in the UK, Steve meets a real wolf and a hybrid wolf, and puts their pack and jaw power to the test - can he win a tug of war with our wolf using a real deer's leg. We then head to the quarry, where Steve shows us how a wolf uses its powerful jaws to hang on to prey by trying his hand at a bucking bronco.

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In this episode, Steve goes in search of Deadly Predators with the greatest super-senses on earth. First up, Steve heads up into the canopy to get a unique view of the UK's largest bat, the noctule bat, as he wants to witness bats echolocating first hand. He then meets human echolocator Juan, who has been blind from birth, and uses echolocation just like a bat to see his world. Steve learns all the tips and tricks to see if he can learn to echolocate and complete our Deadly obstacle course. The mighty sperm whale creates the loudest sound on earth. Using the latest CGI, we take a trip inside a sperm whale's huge head to discover how they achieve such an extraordinary sound and perform a demonstration with an air vortex canon to see just how powerful it really is. Finally, Steve comes face to face with a copperhead snake. These phenomenal snakes are pit vipers, meaning they have heat-sensing pits that enables them to sense their prey in complete darkness. Steve puts the snake to the test by seeing whether it will strike a cold water balloon or a warm one. He then puts his heat sensing to the test in the weirdest game of hide and seek, as he uses a thermal imaging camera to try and track down his team in our Deadly Junkyard.

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In this episode, Steve finds out which Deadly Predators have the best weapons on earth. Using the latest CGI, we bring the colossal squid to life, test the strength of its tentacles, and show how its mighty beak could slice through a car like butter. When it comes to weapons, snakes have some of the best on earth. Steve goes in search of the adder, the UK's only venomous snake and an endangered species. Then he sets out to blow our minds by showing us the fastest snake on earth: the diamond rattlesnake. By filming it in super-slow motion, we get to see just how impressive it is at catching prey. Then we have the crocodile, one of the planet's ultimate predators. Steve puts it to the test, but this time it's not about its phenomenal bite, it's all about its ability to hold its breath. Steve puts himself through his paces to see how he compares to a crocodile - in the battle of the breath hold, who will be crowned king? And, finally, an animal whose weapon is silent but deadly - the barn owl. They are the ultimate stealth killer, able to completely surprise their unwitting prey - but just how quiet are they? Steve heads to a sound studio to put this to the test, and the results are mind-blowing.

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In this episode, Steve goes in search of the wildest Deadly Predators and takes a closer look at what makes them weird.

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In the final episode, Steve looks back at his top Deadly Predators from the series and meets the ultimate predator. He reviews the biggest and best stunts from the series and reveals how the team bought a giant air vortex cannon to the Deadly junkyard to demonstrate the predatory prowess of the sperm whale.