Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands (Visszatérés a Pajzsföldekre) 1x10

Vetítés: 2016.03.06 20:00, vasárnap
Beowulf grapples with the revelation of Elvina's secret and the fact that he has fallen in love with her. He feels ultimately betrayed and his feelings of conflict are compounded by the news that Slean knew the truth of Elvina's past but loved, and still loves her. Can Beowulf and Elvina survive and close this gulf that now separates them?
For now however, the more pressing issue is Herot's defences, which are too weak to withstand any more attacks. Meanwhile, wanting answers to questions of loyalty that have arisen about Bregan, Rheda returns to her hometown to see her brother Abrecan.
In Bregan, Rheda receives a warm welcome, though rather than being reassured, she is confronted with some alarming revelations, one of which is that a large Wulfing army is set for Herot, to take the Iron town, knowing, that whoever takes control of the seat in Herot, controls the wealth of the Shieldlands – can she rely on her brother's support or will she be forced to accept his betrayal?