Around the World in 80 Days80 nap alatt a Föld körül

Angol címe: Around the World in 80 Days on Masterpiece
7.2 IMDbBefejezett / kaszált 2021.12 - 2021.12 | 60 perc @BBC One , GB
Alkotók: Ashley Pharoah, Caleb Ranson
David Tennant (Phileas Fogg),
Ibrahim Koma (Passepartout),
Leonie Benesch (Abigail ‘Fix' Fortescue)
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London, 1872. Inspired by a news story, Phileas Fogg is goaded into betting a fortune that he can circle the globe in just 80 days, despite never having been abroad before. He sets off with his new valet, Jean Passepartout, and finds that journalist Abigail Fix, the daughter of his friend Fortescue, is joining him to document the journey. When they reach Paris, they find the city in the middle of a riot. Passepartout is reunited with his revolutionary brother, who leads him and Fix into the heart of the unrest. Meanwhile, Fogg nearly falls at the first hurdle. Is he really cut out for this adventure?

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Our trio land in the heart of the Italian countryside and hitch a ride on the train to Brindisi. But on board, Fogg encounters an arrogant bully who is challenged by Fogg's easy rapport with his young, grieving son.
Passepartout is struggling to process what happened in Paris, and Fix is concerned that she may have backed the wrong horse. When disaster strikes, can Fogg apply his brilliant mind to the problem and save the day?
Back home in London, Bellamy worries that Fogg might have what it takes to make it around the world.

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Stuck on Yemen's west coast, foolhardy Fogg decides on a dangerous desert crossing, hiring a camel driver. Fogg and Passepartout leave Abigail Fix in a place where even a fellow Englishwoman proves hostile. Can Abigail and her new acquaintances rescue them?

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In remote India, Fogg grumpily waits for a wedding to be over, but the groom is grabbed by the army. Fogg's diplomatic skill is put to the test. Passepartout is torn about potentially sabotaging the trip, while Miss Fix's self-belief has been shaken. Unwittingly drugged, Fogg spills his true motivations to Miss Fix.

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Having a history in Hong Kong, Passepartout's larceny skills are useful when Fogg's finances are blocked. However, there is a high price to be paid. Abigail's latest article could humiliate Phileas at a party in his honour.

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Pacific castaways, Passepartout attempts to atone for his treachery, and Abigail is apologetic, but Phileas remains stubborn as revelations and regrets drive wedges between them. But the valet's survival skills are desperately needed to save their lives. The Reform Club hears the distressing news that Fogg and ‘Fix' are lost at sea.

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Racing through the Rockies in the Old West, Fogg unwillingly lets a laconic lawman and his prisoner share the chartered stagecoach, unaware the captive's cronies are in hot pursuit, leading to a violent showdown before sundown. Making their train connection hinges upon Abigail.

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An irresistible reunion with an old friend in New York means Phileas Fogg must decide whether to continue his trip. Deadly dockside danger and regrettable red tape mean Fogg faces failure while his companions ponder parting from each other. Astronomical effects will decide the outcome.