
Sorozat figyelő naptár a sorozatokhoz

Abandoned EngineeringFélbehagyott mérnöki megoldások

7.6 IMDb
A világ néhány legcsodálatosabb műszaki projektje ma romokban hever. Vajon miért? A sorozatban megismerhetjük azokat a rendkívüli embereket, akik eredetileg megtervezték ezeket a létesítményeket, és azokat is, akiknek köszönhetően új életre kelhetnek. Mindegyiknek megvan a maga izgalmas története. A sorozat bemutatja a világ néhány felhagyott látványos műszaki projektjét, és megvizsgálja, hogyan és miért jöttek létre, elemzi pénzügyi és társadalmi költségeiket, valamint környezetvédelmi és ökológiai hatásaikat. A sorozat arra is kitér, hogyan lehetne valamilyen módon hasznosítani ezeket a romokat. Néhány példa: a náci üdülőközpont németországi Prorában; a New York-i High Line park; az USS Oriskany Floridában; a befejezetlen autópályahíd Fokvárosban – csupa olyan felhagyott építmény vagy szerkezet, amely új életre kelhet. Ez a meglepetésekkel teli sorozat arra is rávilágít, hogyan támadhatnak fel poraikból ezek a létesítmények.

Futó sorozat 2017.02 - 2022.05 | 60 perc @U&Yesterday , GB

Galéria Tom Ward (Narrator)

Dokumentum, Történelmi

Honlap Prime Apple | IMDb | SorozatJunkie | TV Maze | TMDB

Felirat keresés...

Epizód adatlap | SorozatJunkie | IMDb | Hozzászólások (0) |

An Oklahoman town so wealthy it inspired a Hollywood film and in Cambodia's capital, a place of learning that was turned into a chamber of horrors.

A crumbling hotel built with stolen oil money located in an Oklahoma town so rich it inspired a Hollywood film. A former school in Cambodia, that became a chamber of horrors used to oppress an innocent population. In Latvia, a Soviet-era radio telescope that intercepted the West's most top-secret communications. And a fantastical construction in Italy, that combined the romance of air travel with renaissance art, and pizza.


Felirat keresés...

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A derelict stadium in Lithuania that hosted an unlikely Cold War matchup and an industrial relic in England caught up in a battle between trade unions and the Iron Lady.An ambitious skyscraper with dreams of being a city within a city, that attracted rock ‘n' roll royalty, stands empty in Memphis. And, in eastern Malaysia, a royal vision to preserve the country's heritage has been left to rot in the tropical jungle.


Felirat keresés...

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A crumbling hospital complex in Germany that became the site of unspeakable atrocities at the hands of a twisted Nazi Doctor. A lonely rusting giant in Malaysia that reveals a story of colonial greed, conquest and war. In El Paso, Texas, a sprawling farmstead with a hellish reputation for exploiting thousands of men in search of a better life. And, in Northeastern Italy, an Idyllic mountain village, destroyed by mother nature's fury.


Felirat keresés...

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In El Paso Texas, two ornate buildings once at the heart of the Mexican Revolution, still bear the scars of a deadly battle. A top-secret facility outside Berlin, used by a ruthless dictator to escape justice. In County Carlow, Ireland, an aristocratic party palace transformed into a military base, used by members of the IRA's all-female paramilitary wing. And a picture-perfect town in Spain where the residents were forced to evacuate on the orders of an authoritarian regime. 


Felirat keresés...

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A palatial ruin in Philadelphia built from the riches of an industrial golden age, linked by money and blood to the Titanic disaster. Hitler's headquarters in France, built to oversee the Nazi invasion of Britain but used to defend against the Allied reconquest of Europe. In Italy, an opulent island-stronghold converted to contain the country's mafia elite. And a country palace in Poland, the scene of a honey-trap devised to ensnare Napoleon.

