
Sorozat figyelő naptár a sorozatokhoz

Lark Rise to CandlefordCandlefordi kisasszonyok

8.2 IMDb
A BBC feldolgozásában készült sorozat Flora Thompson három könyvéből készült ("Lark Rise", "Over To Candleford" és "Candleford Green"), amely az írónő saját gyermekkori és ifjú évein alapul. A sorozat szívmelengetően ábrázolja a XIX. század végi viktoriánus Angliát néhány kis vidéki város és azoknak lakói életén keresztül. Mesél az ünnepségekről, elfelejtett gyerekkori játékokról, farmerek kézművesek, boltos kisasszonyok és barátok mindennapi életéről és kapcsolatairól. Mindezt nagyon vidáman, üdítően és olykor meghatóan teszi.

Befejezett / kaszált 2008.01 - 2011.02 | 60 perc @BBC One , GB

Galéria Julia Sawalha (Dorcas Lane), Claudie Blakley (Emma Timmins), Linda Bassett (Queenie Turrill), Karl Johnson (Twister Turill), Mark Heap (Thomas Brown), Victoria Hamilton (Ruby Pratt), Matilda Ziegler (Pearl Pratt), Sarah Lancashire (Adult Laura), Olivia Hallinan (Laura Timmins) És a többiek Brendan Coyle (Robert Timmins), Ben Miles (Sir Timothy Midwinter), John Dagleish (Alf), Dawn French (Caroline Arless), Ben Aldridge (Daniel Parish), Jason Merrells (James Dowland), Ruby Bentall (Minnie), Matthew McNulty (Fisher Bloom)

Dráma, Romantikus, Történelmi

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The new series opens with the arrival of Gabriel Cochrane, the once-wealthy owner of a large iron foundry. The bank has repossessed his home and business, his young wife has died, and Gabriel finds himself looking for a new start. The people of Candleford take him to their hearts, and Dorcas offers him a job and a home. But will their kindness be enough to save him, or will he let his vendetta against the bank, and his grief over his dead wife, prevent him rebuilding his fortunes and finding happiness again?

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When Daniel announces that his newspaper is launching a poetry competition, the folks of Lark Rise and Candleford are thrown into a frenzy of creative writing. Pearl, Margaret and Alfie all vie to take home the trophy with their poetic offerings, but Ruby is spreading a rumour that Laura and Daniel have fixed the outcome of the competition. What can Ruby's motive be for such malicious trouble making, and what will Dorcas do with the shocking information she has uncovered about Gabriel's late wife?

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Thomas is euphoric when he lands the job of organising the church bazaar. But his joy soon evaporates when the vicar falls ill, and the controversial and free-thinking curate Reverend Marley takes charge.

Thomas is convinced that Marley is evil incarnate, and when he comes across a snake on his postal rounds, he sees it as a sign that the devil is indeed amongst them.

Though the curate is famous for his charity, Alf is unsettled by rumours of Marley's dark past and his late night visits to the Timmins' cottage. But will he uncover the truth about Marley, and will they ever catch the snake?

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The Fair has come to town, and the locals are celebrating - Alf has been crowned King of the Fair, while Queenie has won a whole pig! The Lark Risers start fattening up the pig in preparation for a sumptuous pig feast, but Twister cannot resist the temptation of selling off-cuts of the animal to the people of Candleford.

At the post office, Gabriel is proving to be a less than perfect house guest; can Dorcas adapt to having a man under her roof? And will Twister survive the wrath of Queenie when she discovers he has sold her pig from under her?

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Daniel is planning a cricket match against a neighbouring village team, who he is convinced cheated in their last match. He is determined to restore Candleford's honour, but most of Daniel's regular players are away, and the men of Larkrise are cricketing novices.

A humiliating defeat looks certain, until Daniel discovers that the finest batsman in the county is right under his nose. The only problem is, his batsman is a batswoman, and the rules state women cannot play.

Will Daniel find a way round the regulations and gain the victory he so desperately wants? And what will it cost his relationship with Laura?


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Gabriel has finally completed the machine which he hopes will restore his fortunes, and farmers are soon clamouring to buy his ingenious invention. Dorcas is delighted for him, until she realises it could mean his departure from Candleford.

Meanwhile, Caroline has returned to Lark Rise, and Minnie assumes it's only a matter of time before Alf comes to propose, now that his ma is back to look after her children. But will Caroline settle this time and allow Alf his freedom? And how will Gabriel react to a surprising admission from Dorcas?

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