A cross between gritty crime drama and sci-fi thriller, Hunters is inspired by Whitley Strieber's best-selling novel, Alien Hunter. The show is about the disappearance of a decorated FBI agent's wife, which leads him to a secret government unit assembled to hunt a group of ruthless terrorists called "Hunters" who do not come from this world.
Befejezett / kaszált 2016.04 - 2016.07 | 60 perc @Syfy , US
Alkotó: Natalie Chaidez
Nathan Phillips (Flynn Carroll),
Britne Oldford (Allison Regan),
Lewis Fitz-Gerald (Truss Jackson),
Mark Coles Smith (Dylan Briggs),
Sarah Peirse (Ruth Finnerman),
Laura Gordon (Abby Carroll),
Shannon Berry (Emme Dawson),
Gareth Davies (Jules Callaway),
Julian McMahon (Lionel McCarthy)
És a többiek
Edwina Wren (Michelle James),
Serhat Caradee (Brother Number Four / Musa Wazari),
Craig Hall (Ted Regan),
Paula Arundell (Liana),
Anna Samson (Steph Le Guin),
Kadija Brown (Young Allison Regan),
Christopher Sommers (Sterling Martinez),
Deniz Akdeniz (Mato)
Dráma, Sci-fi, tudományos fikció, Thriller, Science Fiction, Bűnügyi
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When the wife of troubled FBI agent Flynn Carroll goes missing, the trail leads to a shadowy group of international terrorists known as Hunters. To find his wife, Flynn joins forces with the Exo-Terrorism Unit (ETU), a highly classified Homeland Security division charged with stopping the Hunters—terrorists who may not even be human.
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Flynn and the ETU investigate violent attacks on U.S. soil, and discover the Hunters are working with human collaborators.
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A new lead sends the ETU team to a Hunter-run drug camp in the jungles of Colombia, while Regan struggles with her past
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The ETU capture their greatest asset yet; Jackson goes against his morals to combat the Hunter threat; and McCarthy makes it known the lengths he will go to protect his kind
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Flynn stumbles upon startling new information about his wife, which leads the ETU to a suspected human-hunter collaborator, while Flynn finds himself in an unexpected confrontation.
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The ETU's discovery of the name and suspected location of a High Value Target, dredges up old memories for Jackson. Meanwhile, Flynn, Regan and Briggs attempt a daring raid on a Turkish prison.
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The Hunters attempt to "reprogram" a captive Regan. While the ETU work to locate their missing agent, they deal with the possibility that there could be a mole in their ranks.
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Regan discovers that she wasn't told the truth about her father's disappearance. Meanwhile, Flynn and Briggs race against the Hunters to acquire a scientist critical to 'The Purge.'
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Abby's loyalty is tested, Flynn hits rock bottom and Regan must bargain one family member's fate for another's freedom.
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Flynn's past become dangerously present while Emme's investigation into Abby puts her own life at risk.
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The ETU sets up an elaborate plan to halt The Purge, but how far will Regan and Flynn go to spare innocent lives?
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Fugitives Flynn and Regan make a dangerous play as help for the ETU comes from the unlikeliest of sources.
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It's the day of The Purge and the fate of the human race lies in the ETU's hands.