The Spoils of Babylon
The six-part dark comedy is the bizarre adaptation of a non-existent novel penned by fictional author Eric Jonrosh. The show follows a dysfunctional family of oil tycoons led by Jonas Morehouse. His children are set to inherit the fortune if they can fight their forbidden love for each other.
Befejezett / kaszált 2014.01 - 2014.02 | 30 perc @IFC , US
Alkotók: Matt Piedmont, Harper Steele
Kristen Wiig (Cynthia Morehouse),
Tobey Maguire (Devon Morehouse),
Will Ferrell (Eric Jonrosh),
Tim Robbins (Jonas Morehouse),
Haley Joel Osment (Winston Morehouse),
Jessica Alba (Dixie Mellonworth),
Val Kilmer (General Rod Cauliffe),
Steve Tom (General Herman Maddoxton),
Carey Mulligan (Lady Anne York)
És a többiek
Molly Shannon (Meredith Sennheiser),
Michael Sheen (Chet Halner),
David Spade (Talc Munson)
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Famed novelist Eric Jonrosh (Will Ferrell) sets the stage for his epic masterpiece of love, lust & greed. Jonas Morehouse (Tim Robbins) digs relentlessly for oil as his daughter (Kristen Wiig) and adopted son (Tobey Maguire) begin a forbidden affair.
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Eric Jonrosh (Will Ferrell) returns with his epic mini-series. War breaks out & Devon (Tobey Maguire) joins the struggle, leaving Cynthia (Kristen Wiig) behind. Another woman threatens to come between the star-crossed lovers.
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Devon (Tobey Maguire) and Lady Anne (Carey Mulligan) fall in love, shocking his sister and former lover, Cynthia (Kristen Wiig). Jealousy strikes and Cynthia's actions forever change Devon's life.
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Jonrosh's (Ferrell) epic story continues as growth of the Morehouse Conglomeration further confuses the forbidden love between Devon (Maguire) & Cynthia (Wiig). Cynthia makes a reckless business decision and Devon wages war against her.
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Cynthia (Wiig) visits Devon (Maguire) in his underwater institute and comes face-to-face with Dixie Melonworth (Alba), a woman after Devon's heart. Cynthia's diabolical son Winston (Osment) takes over the family business.
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Jonrosh's (Ferrell) final chapter finds Winston (Osment) out to destroy his family, stopping at nothing to get his revenge. A Christmas party brings together Cynthia (Wiig), Devon (Maguire), Winston and the Shah of Iran.