The Crow Girl
The Crow Girl begins with the gruesome discovery of a teenage boy's body discarded in plain sight. Determined to find who is responsible, DCI Jeanette Kilburn joins forces with psychotherapist Sophia Craven to hunt the killer despite opposition from her superiors including confidant DI Lou Stanley.
The investigation takes them into a dangerous world of historic abuse and murder. Together they uncover a chain of shocking events involving the disappearance of children that have gone overlooked for decades, as well as evidence of police corruption. As the body count rises and the two women are dragged into the depths of the murders, an intimacy starts to form between them, and so begins a complex, twisted love story. All the while, the killer is inching ever closer to home.
Futó sorozat 2025.01 - ? | 48 perc @Paramount+, ITV Studios
Alkotó: Milly Thomas
Katherine Kelly (Sophia Craven),
Dougray Scott (Lou Stanley),
Eve Myles (Jeanette Kilburn),
Clara Rugaard (Victoria Burkeman),
Elliot Edusah (Mike Dilliston),
Raphael Sowole (Alex Kilburn),
Victoria Hamilton (Verity Pound),
Roger Jean Nsengiyumva (Amar),
Michael Lumsden (Ben Burkeman)
És a többiek
Karen Ascoe (Mary Burkeman),
Trevor White (Carl Lowry),
Lu Corfield (Eva Andric)
| IMDb | SorozatJunkie | TV Maze | TMDB
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DCI Jeanette Kilburn hunts a killer, leading her to Dr. Sophia Craven.
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Another body gives Jeanette new leads, while Sophia is haunted by a patient.
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Jeanette comes under fire. Madeleine is in danger as Victoria gets closer.
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A cold case shifts Jeanette's focus, as Sophia gets some distressing news.
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Jeanette and Sophia dig into Victoria's past. Madeleine plans her escape.
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Jeanette turns to Sophia as her world begins to crumble Victoria seeks revenge.