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What RemainsMelissa titkai

7.4 IMDb
Fiatal pár költözik be egy lakásba, ahol a padláson egy lány holttestét találják meg. Melissa Young már két éve eltűnt, de sosem jelentette senki az eltűnését és halála észrevételen maradt. Ezt követően nyomozás indul, hogy megtudják, mi is történt valójában. Len Harper nyomozót nagyon megrázza, hogy Melissa halála észrevétlen maradt. Ezért is, valamint, hogy saját elszigeteltségét elűzze, nem hivatalos nyomozásba kezd nyugdíjazása után, mivel a kollégái öngyilkosságként lezárták az ügyet...

Befejezett / kaszált 2013.08 - 2013.09 | 60 perc @BBC One , GB

Alkotó: Tony Basgallop
Galéria David Threlfall (DI Len Harper), Russell Tovey (Michael)

Dráma, Bűnügyi, Thriller, Titokzatos

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When Michael and his heavily pregnant partner Vidya move into a flat in Coulthard Street, they are shocked to discover the decomposed body of a woman in the loft.

With a week left until retirement, Detective Len Harper begins to question her neighbours. He discovers that even though she had not been seen for over two years, nobody had raised an alarm or even noticed that she was gone.

Len must work hard to uncover the secrets of the residents and give the deceased the attention in death she so sorely missed in life.

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Felirat keresés...

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Struggling to adapt to the loneliness of his retirement, Len finds himself drawn back to his on-going investigation into Melissa's unexplained death. With time on her hands as she waits for the baby's arrival, a concerned Vidya helps Len and they discover the house is reluctant to give up its secrets. As he questions the residents, Len slowly pieces together how they knew Melissa. Is the beautiful but controlling Elaine telling him the whole truth? And what might she do to stop her girlfriend Peggy from leaving her?

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Felirat keresés...

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Len begins to uncover the hidden truths behind the fragile lies of the residents of Number 8. Each one is reluctant to acknowledge Melissa, and is hiding secrets from the outside world. Melissa's intimate relationship with a damaged neighbour is revealed. Did the fallout from this liaison play a part in her death?

When Len is rocked by a personal tragedy it is up to Vidya and Patricia to follow a new lead, which forces the residents to admit the truth. With so many secrets, can Len discover the truth in time? And can he really cope with the tangled web he has woven?

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Felirat keresés...

Epizód adatlap | SorozatJunkie | IMDb | Hozzászólások (0) |

The four-part drama comes to a shocking conclusion.

With the residents of Coulthard Street moving on and the inquest into Melissa's death now complete, Len finds it hard to let go. When a suspect makes a shocking confession Len doubts the outcome and goes to extreme lengths to solve the case before it is too late. When he stumbles across the hidden past of one of the residents he must appeal to his former colleagues to help make an arrest.

Are the residents of Coulthard Street still in danger? More importantly - who really murdered Melissa Young?

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